
If your property is located in the draft corridor, it means that your property may be impacted by the VNI West project. We would like to speak with you to improve our understanding about your land and your business, as important input into the work underway to refine the route for transmission. We may also seek an agreement for land access to conduct environmental field surveys as part of project investigations. 

TCV is aiming to narrow the draft corridor to a preferred easement approximately 100m wide in the third quarter of 2024.  Detail regarding the location of the preferred easement will be communicated at that time, with impacted landholders contacted in the first instance as a priority.

TCV has allocated a dedicated Landholder Liaison to each landholder within the draft corridor. The landholder liaisons are attempting to contact each landholder to better understand their land and farm operations and answer any questions they may have.  Contact details are sourced through publicly available records wherever possible. Landholders were contacted via phone in the first instance where a number was publicly available. If we were unable to find a phone number, we sent letters to the landholder’s registered postal address or left information packages on the property. In the instance these contact methods were unsuccessful, TCV attempted to visit the property to speak with the landholder. 

If you are a landholder in the corridor and you have yet to make contact with your Landholder Liaison, please reach out through 1800 824 221 or via email at enquiries@transmissionvictoria.com.au

Field surveys are important to help identify the most appropriate easement for this project. We are currently seeking access to both public and private properties to conduct onsite surveys across the draft corridor, to build our understanding of the land, environmental sensitivities and potential impacts of the project.

Our land team is seeking to negotiate voluntary access agreements with landholders before any field surveys commence. Once agreed, a formal Land Access Agreement (LAA) covers the landholder’s terms of access, including any biosecurity requirements, notice periods and access points. More details can be found in the Landholder Guide.

A broad range of expert assessments and detailed field studies will also be required as part of the regulated Environment Effects Statement process, which will take place over the next two years.

TCV is entering into voluntary Land Access Agreements (LAAs) with landholders across the broader VNI West draft corridor, allowing the project to perform field survey activities on private land.

Land Access Agreements allow landholders to stipulate the terms, notification periods, biosecurity requirements and any other access conditions necessary to perform field surveys on their land.

Upon signing a Land Access Agreement, landholders are entitled to a land access payment. These payments acknowledge the administrative and time impost for landholders, when they are negotiating and providing survey access for their land.

Total payments per property are greater where access to a larger area of land is provided, ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 per property.

This allows landholders who provide larger areas of survey access to their properties to receive commensurate payment for the time and inconvenience those surveys may cause.

Land access payments are for field studies only. If a property is eventually confirmed as the location for the final easement, a separate process of negotiation will be undertaken for an “Option for Easement” agreement, which will include the amount of compensation and the terms for land access for VNI West construction and ongoing operations.

As part of entering into a Land Access Agreement with TCV, an access payment will be made to the nominated account in the agreement.  Half, or 50% of the payment, will be paid in the first year of the agreement, the remaining 50% paid in the second year. The maximum payment for a LAA will be $50,000 per property.