Preferred Easement for VNI West Report

  • Preferred Easement for VNI West Report

    Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) has released the preferred easement for the Victorian section of the VNI West transmission line project.

    The process to refine the initial 50km wide area of interest to a 2km draft corridor and now a 70m preferred easement has been shaped by 18 months of consultation with communities and individual landholders, along with field studies and technical and engineering assessments.

Project Reports

Draft Corridor for VNI West Report

Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) has released the draft corridor for the Victorian component of the VNI West transmission line project. TCV has narrowed the area of interest for the proposed transmission line to width of about 2km. The area under consideration was previously up to 50km wide. The narrowing reflects input and feedback from consultation with landholders, community members, Traditional Owners along with technical assessments.

  • Environmental Constraints Summary Report

    To provide some insight into the work under way to refine the route for VNI West, we are sharing a series of maps and analysis, which illustrate the important areas of land use across the broad area of interest for VNI West.

Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T)

The VNI West project was assessed in its early stages via a Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T). The RIT-T is an economic cost-benefit test; it is like a business case conducted early on in a transmission project, to determine if it will deliver economic benefits. Please find links to some key reports from the RIT-T process below.

Engagement and Consultation Summary

Engagement and Consultation Summaries

  • Tragowel and Murrabit Event Summary Report

    On the 29th and 30th of October 2024, from 5pm-7pm, Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) held an information session for landholders and near neighbours in Murrabit and Tragowel.

    TCV shared a presentation at the session and attendees were able to ask questions or provide feedback throughout.

  • Community Events Summary

    April 2024

    From 16 to 18 April 2024 Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) held community drop-in sessions at Charlton, Kerang and Stawell – key central locations within the VNI West draft corridor area. These drop-in sessions were attended by close to 150 people.

  • Murrabit Community Meeting Summary

    March 2024

    On 27 March 2024, TCV (Transmission Company Victoria) held a roundtable with landholders and community members in Murrabit. The meeting was in response to requests from local landholders for a group meeting and provided an opportunity to hear directly from those in the local area. This document provides an overview of the key themes raised by attendees and TCV’s response.

  • Tragowel Community Meeting Summary

    February 2024

    On 27 February 2024, TCV held a community roundtable with landholders and community members in Tragowel. This document provides an overview of the key themes raised by attendees and TCV’s response.

  • Community Event Summary Report

    October 2023

    Between 10 and 19 October 2023 TCV held six community information sessions including a webinar, attended by close to 500 people.

    The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the outcomes of this engagement and respond to common items of community concern.

  • Interactive Map Summary

    August 2023

    An interactive map was open for public comment between 27 May to 2 August 2023 (9.5 weeks). Participants were able to submit comments for consideration through this online tool or call the project team to add comments.

    A total of 4,009 stakeholders and community members visited the map. Of these, 201 users provided a total of 2326 comments. The interactive map was promoted through project updates, social media, newspapers and in person at community events.

  • Community Events Summary

    July 2023

    TCV facilitated a total of five community events in July 2023, attended by a total of 393 landholders and community members