An important focus in the next phase of the project is the conversations with landholders, local communities and Traditional Owners in the draft corridor.
TCV will work directly with landholders to find the best practicable location for the transmission alignment to minimise impacts to farming operations and agriculture.
TCV is currently talking with farmers and other property owners within the draft corridor to build our understanding of the land and land use.
Every landholder in the draft corridor has a dedicated Landholder Liaison, a key contact to help answer questions on important issues, including farming with transmission lines, biosecurity arrangements, access agreements, compensation for an easement and other payments.
We greatly encourage impacted landholders who have not yet been able to have a discussion with their Landholder Liaison to reach out. A conversation with your dedicated Landholder Liaison will not increase the likelihood of the project going ahead or being located on your land.
It is an opportunity to share details of how farms and properties operate and how your land is being used to reduce the impact of the final location of the line.
You can contact us at 1800 824 221 or email to be put in touch with your Landholder Liaison.
View 'Respectful engagement: Our commitment to the community'
This guide provides important answers for landholders on issues such as land access, compensation and farming around transmission.
The fact sheets below provide important information for landholders on topics we understand matter to you.
If there is a particular topic you can’t see here and you would like to know more about, please get in contact through your dedicated Landholder Liaison, call the project team on 1800 824 221 or email
Find out how your landholder liaison will present an offer of compensation if an easement is identified for your property.
The VNI West project has a team of landholder liaisons dedicated to each landholder throughout the draft corridor; learn more about how they’re available to support landholders with flexible meeting arrangements and information.
Land access agreements (LAAs) are used to perform field survey activities for the VNI West project, confirming the condition and environmental sensitivities of a property. Your landholder liaison can help you design a LAA that meets the landholder’s access requirements.
The VNI West project has a team of eight dedicated landholder liaisons for every landholder in the VNI West draft corridor. Learn more about their role as dedicated information resources for landholders and their ability to arrange meetings with project specialists.
( including information about how to make a complaint, best industry practice and resources for landholders.
( including information on the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission (RIT-T) process for this project.
( including information about complaints and dispute resolution.
( including information about the safe design and operation of high voltage transmission networks in Victoria.
( including information about the environment assessment process managed by DELWP.
( including information about the regulation of transmission licenses in Victoria and the Electricity Transmission Company Land Access Statement of Expectations.
( including general information about how land is valued in Victoria.