Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) is a new company created by AEMO Victorian Planning to progress the VNI West transmission project.
TCV will discuss the VNI West transmission project with landholders, Traditional Owners and the community to understand local concerns and ensure that commitments made in the early stages are captured and honoured across the life of the project.
TCV will provide early project updates and will work with the community on this important transmission line.
Who is delivering this project?
In the National Electricity Market (NEM), AEMO is responsible for planning and operating the electricity system and markets.
Under the rules for the NEM, each state has a transmission network service provider (TNSP) who is responsible for planning the transmission network. AEMO Victorian Planning (AVP) has that responsibility in Victoria, while Transgrid has that role in New South Wales.
Together, both companies have completed the regulatory investment test for VNI West with the publication of the Project Assessment Conclusion Report, which identifies the preferred area of interest for the project, supported by orders made by the Victorian Minister for Energy and Resources under the National Electricity (Victoria) Act 2005 (NEVA).
AEMO and Transgrid are jointly progressing VNI West, with Transgrid developing the New South Wales section and Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) leading the early works for the project in Victoria.

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is Australia's independent system and market operator and system planner.

Transmission Company Victoria (TCV)
Transmission Company Victoria (TCV) is a new company created by AEMO to progress VNI West.

Transgrid is a TNSP, which builds, owns and operates electricity transmission in New South Wale and the ACT.

VicGrid coordinates the overarching planning and development of Victorian Renewable Energy Zones and oversees transmission investment decisions.