An Environment Effects Statement (EES) is Victoria’s most rigorous assessment of potential environmental impacts for major projects, overseen by the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) under the Environment Effects Act 1978.

As part of the EES process, TCV will undertake a program of expert studies and assessments on a range of matters, which are likely to include cultural and historic heritage, economic benefits, social and community considerations, health and the environment.

These assessments will consider the potential impacts from workforce accommodation and laydown areas, as well as impacts from construction of the new transmission infrastructure. It is important that prospective sites are considered as part of the EES, to ensure their suitability is thoroughly and independently assessed.

An Environment Effects Statement (EES) Victoria’s most rigorous assessment of potential environmental impacts for major projects, overseen by the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) under the Environment Effects Act 1978.

As part of the EES process, TCV will undertake a program of expert studies and assessments on a range of matters, which are likely to include cultural and historic heritage, economic benefits, social and community considerations, health and the environment.

The list of matters to be investigated, and proposed studies for the EES, will be developed by the DTP in consultation with TCV and the Technical Reference Group established by DTP.

The VNI West project must complete the EES process, and obtain relevant Victorian and Commonwealth approvals, before construction can commence.

We envision that sites selected and assessed through the EES will be leased and utilised by TCV during construction. However, the final construction strategy will be determined by a construction contractor at a later date, and there is a possibility some sites may not be utilised.