EOI submissions must be provided to TCV via the response form provided on the TCV website's workforce accommodation landing page.

Interested landholders who want to learn more about the EOI process are encouraged to contact TCV to arrange a discussion with a member of the TCV Land team.

Each site submission received will be assessed against specific criteria and then reviewed alongside other land options available along the VNI West preferred easement, such as sites that have been suggested to TCV by stakeholders we have spoken to about our land requirements. We will select the combination of sites that we are confident will perform most strongly against the criteria. TCV has developed the site selection criteria for this EOI in consultation with local councils and other key project stakeholders.


  • Proximity to the VNI West preferred easement.
  • Connection to main roads.
  • Proximity to existing dwellings – ideally seeking locations with a ‘buffer zone’ of at least 500m from existing dwelling.
  • Flood zone and overlay considerations – ideally sites with a Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO) that are outside an identified flood zone.
  • Topography – flat land is generally preferred.
  • Ecology considerations – sites with limited or no identified native vegetation.
  • Cultural heritage considerations – sites with no Cultural Heritage Overlay in place and no other known cultural heritage considerations.
  • Low bushfire risk.
  • Availability of services – existing services (power, water, and sewage connections) considered a bonus.
  • Proximity to towns and infrastructure to support workforce connections to local communities.
  • Workplace health and safety requirements.
  • Opportunities for benefit creation during construction and legacy benefit opportunities, specifically locations that allow for trunk housing infrastructure and other infrastructure to be retained or relocated for use by local communities.

Submission of an EOI response does not grant TCV access to any public or private land. Each EOI response will be assessed against advertised suitability criteria in a desktop review process. TCV will contact all respondents to advise them of the outcomes of their submission, and sites that are favourably assessed against the criteria will be progressed through discussions.

TCV will ultimately negotiate with the owner/s of each suitable site:

  • For sites to be assessed as part of the EES process, a Land Access Agreement to allow TCV to undertake field surveys of the property.
  • For sites deemed suitable, an Option to Lease land during construction.

TCV will work with the owner/s of individual sites to confirm the location of TCV’s proposed use on the property. Where the area subject to a lease can be securely fenced off, it is likely that the remaining area not in use by TCV and not subject to the lease can remain in use by the owner/s.

Landholders will likely receive payment through two mechanisms:

  • An initial payment as part of a Land Access Agreement under which the site can be assessed for EES site survey and due diligence purposes; and
  • A lease agreement between TCV and the applicable landholder/s, for which TCV would pay rent, if a site is deemed suitable for workforce accommodation and/or laydown area use.

If a landowner submits a property for assessment through the EOI and it is determined as appropriate via an assessment against the advertised criteria, and the landowner agrees to the property being assessed through the EES process, TCV may seek to enter into a licence agreement for assessment of the property. This would be detailed in a voluntary Land Access Agreement, with a compensation payment made available to the landholder. Payments will begin from about $10,000 per property and may increase commensurate with the size of the land made available for assessment.

A voluntary Land Access Agreement also details agreed access conditions for each property, such as biosecurity requirements, notice periods and access points.

Given the land requirements for VNI west workforce accommodation and laydown areas is temporary in nature, TCV does not intend to purchase any land for these purposes.