Project Overview

VNI West is a project to build a new transmission line between Victoria and New South Wales.

It will harness clean, low-cost electricity from renewable energy zones (REZs) in both states and maintain the reliability and security of electricity supply as ageing coal-fired power stations retire.

In Victoria, a preferred easement of 70m wide along most of the route has been identified. The corridor runs from Bulgana to near Kerang and then across the border into New South Wales.

Overview of the VNI West project

An illustrated map focusing on Victoria and New South Wales region, and highlighting the proposed VNI West preferred easement

Why does Victoria need new transmission?

VNI West will harness renewable electricity from energy zones in both Victoria and New South Wales and improve the reliability and security of electricity supply. VNI West is needed because Australia’s ageing coal-fired generators are exiting the market after decades of great service. And more than that, their age and the economics of the electricity market are accelerating these closures.

The lowest cost replacement for this coal generation is renewable energy from the sun and the wind – backed up by batteries, gas and hydro to smooth the bumps in production.

Projects like VNI West will connect these new and diverse sources of electricity with Australian homes and businesses. Existing transmission cannot be relied upon, because the geographic location of generation has changed.

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A significant volume of work has been undertaken over the past two years to fully understand the previous draft corridor and identify a preferred easement that has the least impact to people and farming, balanced with consideration of the environment and other important land features.

TCV greatly appreciates the feedback and insights provided by many people in the project area.

We are committed to continuing to work closely with communities and landholders through the regulatory Environment Effects Statement (EES) process over the next 12 months to refine and confirm the alignment.

An illustrated timeline with three stages. The First stage is Intiial planning/ Regulatory. The second stage is Route Refinement and Planning. The Third stage is construction. From the second stage an arrow indicates that ongoing engagement with landholde

Project Planning and Approvals

Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC)

The project was referred to the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and Water to decide if approval is required under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

Public consultation on VNI West’s referral under the EPBC Act was publicly advertised from 15 to 30 May 2024.

The Minister confirmed in June 2024 that VNI West is a ‘Controlled Action’ requiring assessment and approval under the EPBC Act and will be assessed under the bilateral agreement between the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments.

The Commonwealth has resolved to use the bilateral agreement and rely on the Victorian Government’s Environment Effects Statement (EES) process to guide its approval decision under the EPBC Act.

Environment Effects Statement (EES)

The VNI West project must complete an Environment Effects Statement (EES) and obtain relevant State and Commonwealth approvals before construction can commence. Planning approvals required for the VNI West project will be informed by the EES.

Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA)

A draft Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 will be prepared to propose changes to the planning schemes within the VNI West project development area and will be exhibited with the EES for public comment.

TCV anticipates that a PSA would be the most appropriate means of providing consistent planning controls across the municipalities within the VNI West project area.

The key approvals required under Victorian legislation include PSA’s to amend the Gannawarra, Loddon, Buloke and Northern Grampians Planning Schemes to apply a Specific Controls Overlay to areas where the project is proposed.

Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP)

VNI West is required to prepare Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs) in accordance with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006, which will include the results of an assessment of the potential impacts of the project on Aboriginal cultural heritage.

CHMPs for VNI West will be prepared in collaboration with Traditional Owner groups, Registered Aboriginal Parties and First Peoples – State Relations. The CHMPs will identify potential impacts the project may pose to Aboriginal cultural heritage, as well as ways that heritage can best be protected.

Other State Approvals

Should the project obtain the primary approvals above, a range of secondary approvals may be required for the project under Victorian legislation to support construction and eventual operation of the transmission project. These would be sought prior to construction commencement, and may include:

  • Leasing provisions for commercial and non-commercial purposes on reserved Crown land under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 (Vic) (Crown Land Act).
  • Permits under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1998 (Vic) (FFG Act) for clearance of FFG Act listed species within Crown land.
  • Permit or consent for management of impacts on historic heritage under the Heritage Act 2017 (Vic) (Heritage Act) for works on sites protected under the Heritage Act.
  • Works on waterways Permit under the Water Act 1989 (Vic) (Water Act).
  • Management Authorisation Permit under the Wildlife Act 1975 (Vic) (Wildlife Act) for the removal or salvage of indigenous vertebrate species (except declared a pest) listed under the FFG Act.
  • Consent under the Road Management Act 2004 (Vic) for any road upgrades or works planned on a road, lane, street or footpath.